Knowledge, Language & Curriculum is one of the major papers in B.Ed. second-year curriculum prescribed by Cambridge. In this article, we will discuss why this subject is given a place in B.Ed. curriculum. This subject consists of three major areas:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Language
  3. Curriculum


The knowledge part in this subject deals with epistemology. This part helps the teachers to have a better understanding of the nature and types of knowledge that will ultimately aid in effective lesson planning. 


Learning about language helps a teacher to enhance their writing and reading skills that are very essential to communicate and share their knowledge with their students. Reading helps the teacher to understand the concepts effectively. Knowledge about writing helps the teachers to analyse their student’s answers and eventually the weak points. By learning about language teachers can effectively identify their student’s problems in concept building and then based on this analysis they can plan remedial teaching accordingly.


The knowledge of curriculum, its types, its models, and the curriculum development process is very important to be an effective teacher. If the teacher knows models of the curriculum then they can design the curriculum according to the nature of the content that they have to teach that will ultimately boost the students understanding. 

As of now, we have learned about these three areas separately, now let’s understand the relation between these three. When a teacher will acquire knowledge from any source it has to be shared with the students. To share the knowledge teacher must know the language which is consist of reading and writing. Knowledge about reading and writing will help both teacher and children to explain and to understand respectively. The teacher can only pass the knowledge to students only if the knowledge is a part of the curriculum. So this is how all these 3 areas are interconnected to each other and are very important for a teacher to study them in B.Ed. second year.